The image shows Europa Clipper's mission identifier. the symbol representing the mission is composed of a small circle with five "v" shaped arrows pointing towards the circle. On the top right, where one of the "v" shaped arrows would be, a four pointed star is located. Together, these form a hexagon shape. The name "Europa Clipper" is under the shape. The symbol and the text are resting on a blue background on the left, which constitutes the front of the sticker. 

On the right is a white area that is the back of the sticker. On the top is a NASA meatball logo. Under that, it says, in Spanish: 
Misión Europa Clipper
Explorando la luna helada de Europa
Fecha de lanzamiento:
Octubre de 2024
Ubicación de lanzamiento:
Centro Espacial Kennedy de la NASA, Florida
Inserción en la órbita de Júpiter:
Abril de 2030
Determinando si Europa podría albergar condiciones aptas para la vida
Para más información visite:
Source: NASA/JPL-Caltech
Published: January 31, 2023

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