Europa Clipper
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The SUrface Dust Analyser (SUDA) instrument for Europa Clipper, shown during assembly and testing at the Laboratory for Atmospheric and Space Physics, University of Colorado, Boulder.
SUDA Assembly and Testing
Engineers install 2-foot-wide reaction wheels onto the main body of NASA’s Europa Clipper spacecraft at the agency’s Jet Propulsion Laboratory. The orbiter is in its assembly, test, and launch oper...
NASA's Europa Clipper Gets Its Reaction Wheels
This image of Jupiter's icy satellite Europa shows surface features such as domes and ridges, as well as a region of disrupted terrain including crustal plates which are thought to have broken apar...
Europa "Ice Rafts" in Local and Color Context
Europa Clipper's propulsion module rotates on a stand in the cleanroom at the Johns Hopkins Applied Physics Laboratory.
Europa Clipper Propulsion Module
This is an image from Europa Clipper’s thermal imager science instrument. The image was taken during the instrument's first-light test.
Thermal Imager's First Light Image
A 3D model of the Europa Thermal Emission Imaging System (E-THEMIS), an imager on Europa Clipper.
This enhanced color image from NASa's Galileo mission shows the region surrounding the young impact crater Pwyll on Jupiter's moon Europa.
Pwyll Crater
How did the team working on NASA’s Europa Clipper spacecraft test whether the spacecraft will work properly in outer space?
Spacecraft Makers: Simulating Space to Test Europa Clipper
All four of the reaction wheels installed onto NASA’s Europa Clipper are visible in this photo, which was shot from underneath the main body of the spacecraft while it was being assembled at the ag...
NASA's Europa Clipper Reaction Wheels Installed
Engineers inspect Europa Clipper’s narrow-angle camera.
Europa Clipper's Narrow-Angle Camera Delivered to JPL
Seen here in a clean room at NASA’s Jet Propulsion Laboratory in Southern California is the nadir deck for NASA’s Europa Clipper spacecraft. The deck stabilizes the spacecraft’s sensors and helps t...
Final Stretch for Europa Clipper's Nadir Deck
A 3D model of Gravity/Radio Science, a radar & gravity instrument on Europa Clipper.
Gravity/Radio Science
These images reveal the dramatic topography of Europa's icy crust.
3D View of Double Ridges on Europa
Engineers inspect Europa Clipper's ultraviolet spectrograph in a cleanroom at NASA's Jet Propulsion Laboratory in Southern California
Engineers Inspect Ultraviolet Spectrograph
This composite image of Europa shows the distribution of ice and minerals for the structure named Tyre.
Tyre Region of Europa
Reddish spots and shallow pits pepper the enigmatic ridged surface of Europa.
Ruddy "Freckles" on Europa
Engineers in a clean room at NASA’s Jet Propulsion Laboratory build the nadir deck for NASA’s Europa Clipper spacecraft. The deck will stabilize the spacecraft’s sensors and help the mission team e...
Building a Nadir Deck for Europa Clipper
A series of five images that compare terrain on Europa to the San Francisco Bay area in Calfornia for scale.
Europa Compared to Earth
A comparison of Voyager and Galileo images of Europa.
Europa: Voyager to Galileo Comparison
Workers at NASA’s Jet Propulsion Laboratory in Southern California watch as the Europa Clipper’s magnetometer boom is tested.
Europa Clipper Magnetometer Boom is Tested
In this lab activity, students become materials scientists for a day.
Classroom Activity: Spacecraft Materials and the Chemistry of Space Exploration
Ridges disrupted by the localized formation of domes may be indicative of thermal upwelling of water from beneath Europa's crust.
Dome-Shaped Features on Europa
Engineers install a 2-foot-wide reaction wheel onto the main body of NASA’s Europa Clipper spacecraft at the agency’s Jet Propulsion Laboratory in Southern California.
NASA's Europa Clipper Reaction Wheel in Process
Europa, a moon of Jupiter, appears as a thick crescent in this enhanced-color image from NASA's Galileo spacecraft.
Europa's Frozen Surface
A 3D-printed mock-up of optical head and shielding for Europa Clipper’s stellar reference unit (or star tracker) going through contamination control and planetary protection sampling prior to enter...
3D-Printed Star Tracker Mock-Up